Thoughts on creativity

A creative mind florishes in times of need, in times of mental depression and lack of physical tools, you find a way around and create something unique in the process.

Perfectionism isn’t always good, it limits the creative potential one can have, solely focusing on quality and fitment can be a good thing. However, especially when working by yourself, the time invested into a piece of art is limited before it gets repetitive, use your ideas the moment you get them, don’t let rules or expectations limit your output.

Copying and replicating things you have seen is nothing negative, as long it involves your own take and input. In a world where most has been done and little hasn’t, it is our responsibility to not replicate oversaturated ideas.

However just because an idea has been done multiple times, it is not an indication of copying, it is more often an indication that it was time for that idea to develop. There are more things created independently than it might seem.

In my humble opinion, ideas are placed above rules in my list of priorities. I refuse to fit my ideas to a garment, the garment has to fit my ideas. Only then I am able to fully express my mind.

Ao Yin


Thoughts on art